4 Ways Replacement Doors Can Make an Impact

Upgrade Your Home’s Curb Appeal

replacement doors palm desertSpring cleaning, check. Summer landscaping, check. With the year moving so quickly, so might your home or business maintenance to-do list. While inspecting your home or business, you may notice that your exterior doors are getting a little rusty, loose, or need a complete upgrade.

With the temperature on a rise in Palm Desert, consider adding exterior or interior door replacements to your maintenance list. Your exterior doors are the first to greet your family, friends, and customers when they visit, and should always be at top priority. Before saying yes or no to replacement doors, consider the benefits. We highlighted a few points that come with upgrading your custom doors in Palm Desert.

Benefits of Replacement Doors

Save Energy

One of the main reasons homeowners choose to replace their doors is to increase energy efficiency in their home. Approximately half of all energy loss in homes happens through doors and windows. You can save up to $465 a year on your home or business energy bills with replacement doors.

Newer doors are better insulated, this enhances the comfortability in your home, prevents extreme weather incidents, and regulates the temperature of your home. Whether you’re picking from sliders, French or standard styles, with or without windows, newer doors are made to keep out the sun’s UV rays, protecting your upholstery.

Improve Curb Appeal & Sale Potential

Replacing your Palm Desert door will improve the look and atmosphere of your home and business. Exterior doors are some prominent features. You may want to choose a more updated style to give your home a more contemporary feel. Or you may be looking for a door that better reflects your home’s original style.

Improve Your Home’s Security

Your doors are an easy access point for outside threats, especially entry doors. This is why it’s vital to keep a consistent rotation of maintenance. Replacing your doors is the perfect opportunity for you to strengthen your home’s security.

New replacement doors include density in their glass, are weather resistant, and have longer-lasting security hardware. Many replacement doors have locking capabilities that are better than older models and have layered designs, which resist forced entry. In addition, you can switch your door’s lock to a keyless electronic lock for extra security.

Allow More Light into a Room

Choosing replacement doors with windows allow light into dark areas. Allowing natural light to illuminate your home can save you money on your electricity bill. Natural light can shape the appearance of your home by brightening your entryway, bathroom, or kitchen. You might also want to consider French doors without grids to provide for an uninterrupted view of outdoor.

 Custom Replacement Doors in Palm Desert

Time to get started! Custom doors are the perfect upgrade for your home. If you’re feeling inspired but still need help picking the best design for your home, give us a call or set up an appointment to speak to one of our experts. California Window & Door is the leading Palm Desert custom windows and door replacement service provider.

We have an extensive selection of replacement doors for all areas of your home, from modern to classic to custom styles limited only by your imagination. We offer complete service from design to installation. Our showroom is open to the public and we look forward to helping you.


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